McButter is an Australian cartoon artist based out of Byron Bay, NSW.

Having grown up glued to the television watching every single cartoon that existed and at Blockbuster every weekend hiring VHS tapes on countless movies, it’s easy to see how heavily she was influenced by pop culture and cartoons.

"Life is Better in Cartoons” a thought McButter lives by, because anything is possible in the cartoon realm and everything can be made punchier, brighter, crazier (if you want it to), simplistic (also if you want it to).

Combining her two strong influences, Cartoons and Pop Culture, McButter creates cartoons that turn some of her favourite actors, musicians, athletes, or anyone that suddenly grabs her attention, into cartoon form.

You can also find her screen printing at Thread and Butter Designs in Ballina, NSW where she co-owns a printing and design warehouse that has clients all over Australia.

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“McButter’s tasty gods are just a straight up vibrant and delightful feast to lay your eyes on.

Evoking that inner happiness from her colour palette, combined with quirky cartoon characters that we all know and love, leaving you feeling all warm n fuzzy inside.

Her art is a love child of pop culture and digital design, creating masterpieces for our viewing pleasure.”

-Mister Burito